Recent Publications

  • Nurse and physician barriers to spiritual care provision at the end of life.

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  • Supportive and palliative radiation oncology service: Impact of a dedicated service on palliative cancer care

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  • How Radiation Oncologists Evaluate and Incorporate Life Expectancy Estimates Into the Treatment of Palliative Cancer Patients: A Survey-Based Study

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  • Why is spiritual care infrequent at the end of life? Spiritual care perceptions among patients, nurses, and physicians and the role of training.

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This is a post written in plain Markdown (*.md) instead of R Markdown (*.Rmd). The major differences are: You cannot run any R code in a plain Markdown document, whereas in an R Markdown document, you can embed R code chunks (```{r}); A plain Markdown post is rendered through Blackfriday, and an R Markdown document is compiled by rmarkdown and Pandoc. There are many differences in syntax between Blackfriday’s Markdown and Pandoc’s Markdown.



Statistics Education

This is a webpage where free high quality interactive statistics education is hosted. Currently there is an Introduction to R course, however there is much more to come.


I teach the following courses at Brown University:
